
Live Locally. Act Nationally. Think Globally.

We think this is how the Future will operate.

Live Locally.

Supporting local communities, local businesses and neighborhoods. Caring for the local open spaces and parks. Maintaining the streets and roads you use daily. Most importantly, building long-lasting, sustainable, effective relationships is how we Live Locally.

Act Nationally.

Did you know the first American flag is thought to be made from hemp? Or Henry Ford created an automobile that was built from hemp plastics and ran on hemp fuel? Or the United States Military needed hemp, for victory over the Nazis? Hemp was there in the beginning and as Humans explore now how hemp grows in Space, it is clear hemp will play a huge part in maintaining the American Pioneer Spirit. By promoting hemp as a resource to be rediscovered is how we Act Nationally.

Think Globally.

Planet Earth is all of our responsibility. Hemp is a versitile resource with many benefits. Food, fuel, fiber. Hemp can provide all of these while growing more sustainably and removing more carbon from the atmosphere than our precious forests. That’s just the surface. As we move in to the Future, we recognize the value that Hemp will play in how we Think Globally.


We are a Denver, Colorado based start up focusing on the potential Hemp will play in developing a more sustainable future for Humankind. Our goal is to de-mystify the Hemp Plant and to make its benefits more accessible to everyone interested.

We will start by exploring the mood enhancement side of Hemp. As these benefits gain more mainstream acceptance, we will add more industrial benefits to our services. We look forward to achieving the milestones we have set for ourselves and as we do we will update everyone.

In the mean time please check out our small shop and support us as we move on our journey from Grassroots Organization to join the Pioneers of the Future.

Media Updates


Feel free to reach out for more information or other needs.

Future Hemp Comany

8275 E. 11th Ave
Denver, Colorado 80220

(303) 335-0202

Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM